Friday, March 1, 2013

Happy Sequester Day!

Dear Reno,

Let me be the first to wish everyone a happy sequester day! Yes, I woke up this morning and the sun was shining, I still had my health, friends, house, medical benefits that I pay for, etc. To celebrate this occasion on a day where the government gets to feel like the rest of us hard working citizens when we open up our paychecks and see we have been fleeced by the tax laws created by the people that we voted into office I have decided to do my American duty to stimulate the economy and head to “Biggest Little City the World”. Reno be prepared; I have a great group of friends, an ice chest full of booze, tickets to Reckless Kelley and a bonus check that looked a lot better before I realized that being a successful single white male, 18-45 in my tax bracket was frowned upon by the US government to unleash on you. My warning to you Reno and the Nugget is this: By the time I get done with you the Rain Man suite will now be graced with the simple moniker in gold that states “Rice King” and the ladies of the Wild Orchid pack those umbrella’s along with the glitter and pole juice because there is rain predicted in the forecast (and just in case I lose my ass at the tables and have to rain quarters on you instead of paper bills). Reno, we will meet in a few short hours so have those pleated party pants clean and pressed my friend. In honor of this first day of March I’m keeping it short and sweet so pay it forward peeps, make someone smile just because and God Bless….

PS. Your feedback on my writing is what puts a smile on my face and remember……..Champagne is the new gateway drug.
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